Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So Busy!

Sorry, it's been forever since I have posted. I don't even know if I have any readers left but thought I'd add a quick post to update what's going on. Samuel turned one on August 24. That is also the day that he started full-on walking. Now he does not stop. The boy is BUSY! I do not have time to post when I am at home because I am constantly having to chase Samuel around to keep him from pulling stuff on his head (he LOVES to pull stuff off of our kitchen table and counters) or from climbing on our ottoman and hearth (he thinks walking on the ottoman is fun, fun, fun). By the time I finally get both the boys to bed, I am exhausted and ready for bed too. I'll try to at least post some of the pictures from all of the birthday parties we had in August.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back. I see why you are so busy. Min Man is 2 1/2 and he is into everything. very exhausting but funny.

Amber said...

Still reading! :) Take care!

Shamae (Ghost written by Loren her hubby) said...

You are on my google reader so as long as you post, it will update me. :-) Samuel sounds like he is growing so much!!! Do you still send his birth mom pics and stuff? How does that work?