Monday, January 26, 2009

Puppet Show

Davis threw an impromptu puppet show from Samuel, and as you can see from the latter’s reaction, the show got rave reviews. Enjoy!

Puppet Show from Chris Turner on Vimeo.


Shamae (Ghost written by Loren her hubby) said...

So cute!! You have some real buddies there! I bet they grow up to be best friends!

Deb said...

So cute! What a great squeal.

Yes I go to the Coppell Mom's Night Out normally.
I also go to the Book Club which is this Tuesday, you should come even if you haven't read the book. And if you need childcare for the boys if you sign up by 6:30 tonight they can watch them.

I have also been going to the playgroup that is on the third Friday of the month.

E-mail me if you want more details. I'd love to meet you.

beagle said...

That is great!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

Oh, I love watching them interact!

Would you consider adding this to Perfect Moment Mondays? It truly is perfect for it :-)

Deb said...

Ah! Did you go to Starbucks and I missed you? I saw Annie's post with a picture with a Kelly in it but I'm not sure it was you. I got called in to work that night.