Samuel turned 4 months on Christmas eve. Here is a picture from that day. Its not great but its the only one we got as we were rushing to get out of town that day.
He had his 4 month check up today. He weighed in at 15 lbs 15 oz. in the 75th percentile. He is quite tall - 26.25 inches (the 90th percentile) and his head circumference is 16.5 for the 25 - 50 percentile. The doctor said he is doing very well and cleared us to start solids. They want you to do cereal with a spoon rather than adding to the bottle so we'll probably see how that goes this upcoming weekend and next week while I am home from work while Chris is out of town. He got two shot. He seems to be doing pretty well so far. Sleeping was going great. I actually got three days in a row of 7 - 8 hours but he seems to have lapsed back into the every few hour habit since we've been home from Baton Rouge. I am hoping he goes back to the other soon.
We have the same carseat! I can hardly carry it, it's huge and heavy. But very nice.
And funny, I have several pictures of Colt with the same expression!
Sounds like things are going well and you had a wondeful Christmas! That is great!! Samuel is a cutie!
What a cutie!!
I have a 75th percentile boy too . . . combined with that infact carrier, my arm is getting sore!
Ha! I love that look on his face. It's Hilarious.
What a cutie. Hope he starts sleeping good again. Those must have been some great nights for you.
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