Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Surgery Scheduled

I sent my RE an e-mail about timing of my lap and he said he could do it on CD5 so I have scheduled it for this Friday. That gives me over a week to recover for my vacation which I hope is enough time. I am anxious to see what he finds (if anything). I can't believe that I have ttc over 8 years of my life total and this is the first time any doctor has ever mentioned doing this. It might not show anything but we'll never know until we do it. So wish me luck on Friday at 3:00.


Rian said...

Good luck!!!

beagle said...

Wishing you lots of luck!

Tracey said...

Your in my prayers.....God Bless!!!

laurawh said...

Kelly, Good Luck!! I just know God is going to bless you two again!
